Installation and Usage Notes for the Maxit Application
                            (Source Distribution)

Note: It is highly recommended to utilize binary distribution, if possible,
since it contains an additional submodule, called PROCHECK, which does more
structure checking. This source distribution does not contain PROCHECK, since
the PROCHECK module is only available in binary form. 

1.  Installation

a.  Uncompress and unbundle the distribution using the following command:

        zcat maxit-vX.XXX-XXX.tar.gz | tar -xf - 

    The result of this command is a subdirectory maxit-vX.XXX-XXX in the
    current directory. It contains subdirectories of various source modules
    and the following items important for the user:

        bin - subdirectory in which the application executable "maxit-v8.01-O"
          will be placed after the build process.
        data - subdirectory that contains some data files needed by the

b.  Set up the environment variables.

    - Define RCSBROOT environment variable to point to the installation
    directory. Assuming that the installation directory is
    /home/username/maxit-vX.XXX-XXX, execute in the shell:

        For C shell users:
          setenv RCSBROOT /home/username/maxit-vX.XXX-XXX

        For Bourne shell users:
          RCSBROOT=/home/username/maxit-vX.XXX-XXX; export RCSBROOT

    - Add "bin" subdirectory to the PATH environment variable.
    Execute in the shell:

        For C shell users:
          setenv PATH "$RCSBROOT/bin:"$PATH

        For Bourne shell users:
          PATH="$RCSBROOT/bin:"$PATH; export PATH

2.  Building the Application

a.  Position in the maxit-vX.XXX-XXX directory and run "make" command:

        cd maxit-vX.XXX-XXX 

    The application executable "maxit-v8.01-O" will be placed in the "bin"

    NOTE: The users who are working on Sun platform are strongly advised to
    check the compiler flags in etc/make.platform.sunos5 file. Depending on
    the compiler version, users may be required to make modifications to those
    compiler flags.

b.  Make binary data from ASCII data

    - Position in the maxit-vX.XXX-XXX directory and run "make" command as

        make binary

    This command will create certain binary data files, using the ASCII data
    files in data/ascii directory. The resulting files are stored in
    data/binary directory. Note that it may take several minutes for this
    step to complete. This step must be executed before the tool can be

3.  Application Usage Notes

Maxit application supports many options for all kinds of data processing
operations. To see all supported options, execute:

    maxit-v8.01-O -

For the purpose of data deposit, only three options are necessary for preparing
the deposit file.

1. This will translate a PDB format file into mmCIF format file. The output file
name is file_name.pdb.cif (with extension .cif).

    maxit-v8.01-O -i file_name.pdb -o 1 -exchange_out

2. This will translate a mmCIF format file into PDB format file. The output file
name is file_name.cif.pdb (with extension .pdb).

    maxit-v8.01-O -i file_name.cif -o 2 -exchange_in

3. This will update a mmCIF format file. The output file name is
file_name.cif.cif (with extension .cif).

    maxit-v8.01-O -i file_name.cif -o 8 -exchange_in -exchange_out