TTable Member List

This is the complete list of members for TTable, including all inherited members.

_delColMapTTable [private]
_numColsTTable [private]
_numDelColsTTable [private]
_tuplesTTable [private]
AddColumn(const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))TTable
AddTuple(const vector< string > &tuple=vector< string >(0))TTable
ClearColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)TTable
ClearTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex)TTable
DeleteColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)TTable
DeleteTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex)TTable
EnlargeColMap(const unsigned int numCols)TTable [private]
FillColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< string > &col, const unsigned int fromTupleIndex=0)TTable
FillColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator colBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator colEnd, const unsigned int fromTupleIndex=0)TTable
FillTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex, const vector< string > &tuple, const unsigned int fromColIndex=0)TTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int fromTupleIndex, unsigned int toTupleIndex)TTable
GetNumColumns() constTTable [inline]
GetNumTuples() constTTable [inline]
GetTuple(vector< string > &tuple, const unsigned int tupleIndex, const unsigned int fromColIndex, unsigned int toColIndex)TTable
GetTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex)TTable
InsertColumn(const unsigned int atColIndex, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))TTable
InsertColumn(const unsigned int atColIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator colBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator colEnd)TTable
InsertTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex, const vector< string > &tuple=vector< string >(0))TTable
InsertTuple(const unsigned int tupleIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator tupleBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator tupleEnd)TTable
IntColIndex(const unsigned int colIndex) const TTable [inline, private]
MarkColDeleted(const unsigned int colIndex)TTable [private]
operator()(const unsigned int tupleIndex, const unsigned int colIndex)TTable
operator()(const unsigned int tupleIndex, const unsigned int colIndex) constTTable
operator=(const TTable &inTable)TTable
Read(UInt32 index, Serializer *ser)TTable
ReduceColMap(const unsigned int numCols)TTable [private]
TTable(const TTable &inTable)TTable
UnMarkColDeleted(const unsigned int colIndex)TTable [private]
Write(Serializer *ser, unsigned int &size)TTable
~TTable()TTable [virtual]

Generated on Tue Feb 5 09:01:27 2008 for tables-v8.0 by  doxygen 1.5.1