ITTable Member List

This is the complete list of members for ITTable, including all inherited members.

_compare_optsITTable [private]
_indicesITTable [private]
_listsOfColumnsITTable [private]
_orientITTable [private]
_serITTable [private]
_ttableITTable [private]
_uniqueITTable [private]
AddColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))ITTable
AddRow(const vector< string > &row=vector< string >(0))ITTable
AggregateRow(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable [private]
AppendToAndDelimit(string &to, const string &appending)ITTable [inline, private]
AppendToColumn(const string &colName, const string &cell)ITTable
AppendToColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col)ITTable
AppendToColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< string > &col)ITTable
AppendToColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, const string &cell)ITTable
AreListsOfColumnsValid(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable [private]
CASE_INSENSEITTable [static]
CASE_SENSEITTable [static]
CellValue(const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable [private]
ClearColumn(const string &colName)ITTable
ClearColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
ClearIndex(const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable [private]
ClearIndices()ITTable [private]
ClearRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
ConvertDouble(const string &a, string &ret)ITTable [private]
ConvertString(const string &value, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable [private]
ConvertToInt(const string &a, string &ret)ITTable [private]
ConvertToLowerNoWhiteSpace(const string &a, string &ret)ITTable [private]
CreateColumn(const unsigned int atColIndex, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))ITTable
CreateColumn(const unsigned int atColIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator colBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator colEnd)ITTable
CreateIndex(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const unsigned int unique=0)ITTable
CreateInternalIndexName(const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable [private]
CreateKey(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable [private]
DEFAULT_OPTIONSITTable [private, static]
DEFAULT_PRECISIONITTable [private, static]
DeleteColumn(const string &colName)ITTable
DeleteColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
DeleteEntry(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
DeleteIndex(const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable
DeleteIndexEntry(const unsigned int indexIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
DeleteRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
DeleteRows(const vector< unsigned int > &rows)ITTable
DT_INTEGERITTable [static]
DT_INTEGER_VALITTable [static]
DT_MASKITTable [private, static]
DT_STRINGITTable [static]
DT_STRING_VALITTable [static]
eBACKWARD enum valueITTable
eCOLUMN_WISE enum valueITTable
eEQUAL enum valueITTable
eFORWARD enum valueITTable
eGREATER_THAN enum valueITTable
eLESS_THAN enum valueITTable
eLESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL enum valueITTable
eOrientation enum nameITTable
eROW_WISE enum valueITTable
eSearchDir enum nameITTable
eSearchType enum nameITTable
EXPONENTITTable [private, static]
FillColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col)ITTable
FillColumn(const vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
FillColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator colBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator colEnd)ITTable
FillRow(const unsigned int rowIndex, const vector< string > &row)ITTable
FindDuplicateRows(vector< pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > &duplRows, const vector< string > &colNames, const bool keepDuplRows, const eSearchDir searchDir=eFORWARD)ITTable
FindDuplicateRows(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, vector< pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > &duplRows, const bool keep, const eSearchDir searchDir=eFORWARD)ITTable
FindFirst(const vector< string > &targets, const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable
FindIndex(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable
FindKeyIndex()ITTable [private]
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName, const unsigned int fromRowIndex, unsigned int toRowIndex)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName, const vector< unsigned int > &rowIndex)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int fromRowIndex, unsigned int toRowIndex)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< unsigned int > &rowIndex)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable
GetCompareType(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable [private]
GetDataType(const string &colName)ITTable
GetLastRowIndex()ITTable [inline]
GetNumColumns() constITTable [inline]
GetNumIndices()ITTable [inline]
GetNumRows() constITTable [inline]
GetObject(UInt32 index, Serializer *ser)ITTable
GetRow(vector< string > &row, const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &fromColName=String::Empty, const string &toColName=String::Empty)ITTable
GetRow(vector< string > &row, const unsigned int rowIndex, const unsigned int fromColIndex, unsigned int toColIndex)ITTable
GetRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
Init()ITTable [private]
InsertColumn(const string &colName, const string &atColName, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))ITTable
InsertColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))ITTable
InsertColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, vector< string >::const_iterator colBeg, vector< string >::const_iterator colEnd)ITTable
InsertEntry(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
InsertIndexEntry(const unsigned int indexIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
InsertRow(const unsigned int atRowIndex, const vector< string > &row=vector< string >(0))ITTable
INT_LIMITITTable [private, static]
IsColumnInIndex(const unsigned int indexIndex, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable [private]
ITTable(eOrientation orient)ITTable
ITTable(const ITTable &inTable)ITTable
LAST_DT_VALUEITTable [private, static]
MANTISSAITTable [private, static]
MAX_PRECISIONITTable [private, static]
MultiStringsValue(const vector< string > &values, const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable [private]
operator()(const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &colName) constITTable
operator()(const unsigned int rowIndex, const unsigned int colIndex) constITTable
operator=(const ITTable &inTable)ITTable
Print(unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable [private]
Read(unsigned int indexInFile, Serializer *ser)ITTable
RebuildIndex(const unsigned int indexIndex)ITTable
SC_MASKITTable [private, static]
Search(vector< unsigned int > &res, const vector< string > &targets, const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const unsigned int indexIndex, const eSearchType searchType=eEQUAL)ITTable
Search(vector< unsigned int > &res, const string &target, const unsigned int colIndex, const eSearchType searchType=eEQUAL)ITTable
SetFlags(const string &colName, const unsigned char flags)ITTable
SetFlags(const unsigned char newOpts, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
SetSerializer(Serializer *ser)ITTable
SubRowValue(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable [private]
UpdateCell(const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &colName, const string &value)ITTable
UpdateCell(const string &cell, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
UpdateColListOnColDelete(const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable [private]
UpdateColListOnColInsert(const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable [private]
UpdateIndex(const unsigned int indexIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable
UpdateIndices(const unsigned int rowIndex)ITTable [private]
UpdateIndicesOnCellUpdate(const unsigned int rowIndex, const unsigned int colIndex)ITTable [private]
ValidateOptions(unsigned int colIndex)ITTable
VerifyColumnsIndices(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)ITTable
W_SPACE_SENSEITTable [static]
Write(Serializer *ser, int &size)ITTable
WriteObject(Serializer *ser, int &size)ITTable
WS_MASKITTable [private, static]

Generated on Tue Feb 5 09:01:27 2008 for tables-v8.0 by  doxygen 1.5.1