STable Member List

This is the complete list of members for STable, including all inherited members.

_colCaseSenseSTable [protected]
_colNamesSTable [protected]
_dataSTable [protected]
_GetColumnsIndices(vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const vector< string > &colNames)STable [protected]
_nameSTable [protected]
_numNonEmptyColsSTable [protected]
_numRowsSTable [protected]
AddColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))STable
AddRow(const vector< string > &row=vector< string >(0))STable [virtual]
AppendToColumn(const string &colName, const string &cell)STable [virtual]
AppendToColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col)STable [virtual]
AppendToColumn(const string &cell, const unsigned int colIndex)STable [protected]
AppendToColumn(const vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex)STable [protected]
Clear()STable [virtual]
ClearColumn(const string &colName)STable [virtual]
ClearColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)STable [protected]
ClearRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)STable [virtual]
ColumnLength(const string &colName) const STable
CreateColumn(const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))STable [protected]
DeleteColumn(const string &colName)STable [virtual]
DeleteColumn(const unsigned int colIndex)STable [protected]
DeleteRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)STable [virtual]
FillColumn(const string &colName, const vector< string > &col)STable [virtual]
FillColumn(const vector< string > &col, const unsigned int colIndex)STable [protected]
FillRow(const unsigned int rowIndex, const vector< string > &row)STable [virtual]
FillRow(const vector< string > &row, const unsigned int rowIndex, const unsigned int fromColIndex, const unsigned int toColIndex)STable [protected]
GetCell(string &cell, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)STable [protected]
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName)STable [virtual]
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName, const unsigned int fromRowIndex, unsigned int toRowIndex)STable [virtual]
GetColumn(vector< string > &col, const string &colName, const vector< unsigned int > &rowIndices)STable [virtual]
GetColumnIndex(const string &colName) const STable
GetColumnNames(vector< string > &colNames) const STable
GetColumnsIndices(vector< unsigned int > &colIndices, const vector< string > &colNames=vector< string >(0))STable
GetName() constSTable [inline]
GetNumColumns() constSTable [inline]
GetNumRows() constSTable [inline, virtual]
GetRow(vector< string > &row, const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &fromColName=String::Empty, const string &toColName=String::Empty)STable [virtual]
GetSubRow(vector< string > &subRow, const unsigned int rowIndex, const unsigned int fromColIndex, unsigned int toColIndex)STable [protected]
InsertColumn(const string &colName, const string &atColName, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))STable
InsertColumn(const string &colName, const unsigned int colIndex, const vector< string > &col=vector< string >(0))STable [protected]
InsertRow(const unsigned int atRowIndex, const vector< string > &row=vector< string >(0))STable [virtual]
IsColumnPresent(const string &colName)STable
operator()(const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &colName) constSTable [virtual]
operator=(const STable &inTable)STable [virtual]
Rename(const string &name)STable
RenameColumn(const string &oldColName, const string &newColName)STable
STable(const StringCompare::eCompareType colCaseSense=StringCompare::eCASE_SENSITIVE)STable
STable(const string &name, const StringCompare::eCompareType colCaseSense=StringCompare::eCASE_SENSITIVE)STable
STable(const STable &inTable)STable
UpdateCell(const unsigned int rowIndex, const string &colName, const string &cell)STable [virtual]
UpdateCell(const string &cell, const unsigned int colIndex, const unsigned int rowIndex)STable [protected]
VerifyColumnsIndices(const vector< unsigned int > &colIndices)STable [protected]
~STable()STable [virtual]

Generated on Mon Apr 2 09:28:51 2007 for cif-table-obj-v7.0 by  doxygen 1.5.1