CifFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for CifFile, including all inherited members.

_FindPrintType(const vector< string > &values)CifFile [protected]
_IsQuotableText(const string &itemValue)CifFile [protected]
_maxCifLineLengthCifFile [protected]
_nullValueCifFile [protected]
_PrintHeaderedItems(ostream &cifo, const vector< string > &colNames, const vector< unsigned int > &colWidths, const vector< eIdentType > colPrintType)CifFile [protected]
_PrintItemIdent(ostream &cifo, unsigned int &linePos)CifFile [protected]
_PrintItemName(ostream &cifo, const string &category, const string &itemName, unsigned int &linePos)CifFile [protected]
_PrintItemNameInHeader(ostream &cifo, const string &itemValue, unsigned int &linePos, const eIdentType identType=eNONE, const unsigned int width=0)CifFile [protected]
_PrintItemValue(ostream &cifo, const string &itemValue, unsigned int &linePos, const eIdentType identType=eNONE, const unsigned int width=0)CifFile [protected]
_PrintPostItemSeparator(ostream &cifo, unsigned int &linePos, const bool ident=false, const unsigned int numSpaces=1)CifFile [protected]
_quotesCifFile [protected]
_smartPrintCifFile [protected]
_verboseCifFile [protected]
CheckAndRectifyItemTypeCode(Block &block, ostringstream &log)CifFile [private]
CheckCategories(Block &block, Block &refBlock, ostringstream &log)CifFile
CheckCategoryKey(Block &block, ostringstream &log)CifFile
CheckCellEnum(const string &cell, const string &typeCode, const string &primCode, const vector< string > &enumlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellFloatEnum(const string &cell, const vector< string > &enumlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellFloatRange(const string &cell, const vector< string > &minlist, const vector< string > &maxlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellIntEnum(const string &cell, const vector< string > &enumlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellIntRange(const string &cell, const vector< string > &minlist, const vector< string > &maxlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellOtherEnum(const string &cell, const string &primCode, const vector< string > &enumlist)CifFile [private]
CheckCellRange(const string &cell, const string &typeCode, const vector< string > &minlist, const vector< string > &maxlist)CifFile [private]
CheckItems(Block &block, Block &refBlock, ostringstream &log)CifFile
CheckKeyItems(const string &blockName, ISTable &catTable, ISTable &keyTable, ostringstream &log)CifFile [private]
CheckMandatoryItems(const string &blockName, ISTable &catTable, ISTable &refItemTable, ostringstream &log)CifFile [private]
CheckParentChild(Block &block, ISTable &catTable, const vector< string > &cifItemNames, ISTable &parChildTable, ostringstream &log)CifFile [private]
CheckRegExpRangeEnum(Block &block, ISTable &catTable, const string &cifItemName, ISTable &itemTypeTable, ISTable &itemTypeListTable, ISTable &itemRangeTable, ISTable &itemEnumTable, ISTable &parChildTable, ostringstream &log)CifFile [private]
CifFile(const eFileMode fileMode, const string &fileName, const bool verbose=false, const StringCompare::eCompareType caseSense=StringCompare::eCASE_SENSITIVE, const unsigned int maxLineLength=STD_CIF_LINE_LENGTH, const string &nullValue=CifString::NullValue)CifFile
CifFile(const bool verbose=false, const StringCompare::eCompareType caseSense=StringCompare::eCASE_SENSITIVE, const unsigned int maxLineLength=STD_CIF_LINE_LENGTH, const string &nullValue=CifString::NullValue)CifFile
ConvertEscapedString(const string &inString, string &outString)CifFile [private]
CreateKeysTable(const vector< string > &cifItemNames, ISTable &parChildTable, map< string, unsigned int > &maxKeyGroups)CifFile [private]
DataChecking(CifFile &dicRef)CifFile
DataChecking(Block &block, Block &refBlock, ostringstream &buf)CifFile
eDOUBLE enum valueCifFile
eIdentType enum nameCifFile [protected]
eLEFT enum valueCifFile [protected]
eNONE enum valueCifFile [protected]
eQuoting enum nameCifFile
eRIGHT enum valueCifFile [protected]
eSINGLE enum valueCifFile
GetAttributeValue(string &attribVal, const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute)CifFile
GetAttributeValueIf(string &attribVal, const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attributeA, const string &attributeB, const string &valB)CifFile
GetAttributeValues(vector< string > &strings, const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute)CifFile
GetAttributeValuesIf(vector< string > &strings, const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attributeA, const string &attributeB, const string &valB)CifFile
GetComboKeys(const string &parCatName, const unsigned int maxKeyGroup, ISTable &keysTable, vector< vector< string > > &comboKeys, vector< string > &parKeys)CifFile [private]
GetItemNames(vector< string > &itemNames, ISTable &isTable)CifFile [static]
GetItemTypeCode(string &typeCode, const string &cifItemName, ISTable &itemTypeTable)CifFile [private]
GetVerbose()CifFile [inline]
HEADER_SPACINGCifFile [protected, static]
Init()CifFile [private]
IsAttributeValueDefined(const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute)CifFile
IsCatDefinedInRef(const string &catName, ISTable &catTable)CifFile [private]
IsItemDefinedInRef(const string &catName, const string &itemName, ISTable &refItemTable)CifFile [private]
IsSmartPrint()CifFile [inline]
SetAttributeValue(const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute, const string &value, const bool create=false)CifFile
SetAttributeValueIf(const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attributeA, const string &valA, const string &attributeB, const string &valB, const bool create=false)CifFile
SetAttributeValueIfNull(const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute, const string &value)CifFile
SetAttributeValues(const string &blockId, const string &category, const string &attribute, const vector< string > &values)CifFile
SetQuoting(eQuoting quoting)CifFile
SetSmartPrint(bool smartPrint=true)CifFile [inline]
SMART_PRINT_SPACINGCifFile [protected, static]
STD_PRINT_SPACINGCifFile [protected, static]
Write(const string &cifFileName, const bool sortTables=false, const bool writeEmptyTables=false)CifFile
Write(const string &cifFileName, const vector< string > &tableOrder, const bool writeEmptyTables=false)CifFile
Write(ostream &outStream, const bool sortTables=false, const bool writeEmptyTables=false)CifFile
Write(ostream &cifo, const vector< string > &catOrder, const bool writeEmptyTables=false)CifFile [protected]
Write(ostream &cifo, vector< unsigned int > &tables, const bool writeEmptyTables=false)CifFile [protected]

Generated on Wed Feb 6 07:44:02 2008 for cif-file-v1.0 by  doxygen 1.5.1